Estimated cost for the Ministry of Primary and Mass education (MoPME) subsector for the period 2011-12 to-2015-16; Assisted DPE to produce a detailed breakdown of costs for each result of the program and detailed cost estimates in the ADB’s COSTAB software; Assisted to DPE’s Financial improvement plan and S- curve; Prepared five years financing plan for the MoPME consistent with ministry of finance MTBF;
Prepared MoPME revenue budget and developing budget accordance with government functional, operational and economic code for the iBAS system; Assisted TL to assess the government ability to secure financial resource and determined the sources of funds for the implementation of the programme 3; Supported for the institutional arrangement and restructuring of DPE for he implementation of PEDP 3; Prepared the detailed, item-wise cost estimates of the civil works for school, educational building and school environment, books, learning materials supplementary reading materials with the collaboration with DPE, NCTB, NAPE and LGED;
Identified the number of teachers require for the primary education and calculated the cost of pre- primary & teachers salary; Collected information for the staff requirement of MoPME and others subsectors and costs in accordance with the government payroll
Project funded by: Asian Development Bank
Implementation agency: Directorate of Primary Education, MoPME
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